AMRC with Boeing Board Meeting in Nagoya at OSG Corporation
Thursday and Wednesday, 18th, May, 2017
The nice view of the center of Nagoya (Japan)
OSG Group hosted on the 18th May the AMRC with Boeing Board Meeting in its premises in Nagoya.
Representatives of the biggest aerospace companies and their suppliers came from all the corner of the Earth.
Boeing, Airbus, Rolls Royce, Starrag Eckert, Messier Bugatti Dowty, BAE Systems, DELCAM, OSG, D4S Group, MetsoftPro, Sandvik, Maegerle, Spirit Aerospace, KCT Group, DMG-Mori, McLaren, Renishaw, StarGB, Techicut, SECOTools top managers came from all over the world to join this important annual event.
The Board decided the new strategies for the next period. As usual, in the evergreen spirit of the AMRC, this occasion was a fantastic opportunity to empower relationships and business opportunities.
The event has been magisterially organised by the OSG Group.
The meeting offered the opportunity to visit the incredible production line of OSG and some breathtaking corners of Japan.