The aerospace future is embracing the hybrid technology, but not as you think
Quick question
Why Full Electric is not yet competitive at all with conventional thermal engines? Simply because the energy density ratio between jet A1 fuel and the best battery in the market is 1 to 30. Means that the energy stored in a kg of jet fuel needs to be replaced with 30kg of battery. So the ‘fuel’ will weight 30 times the current one.
Quick conclusion
If we want to build a full electric airplane, and we expect to have the same range of a normal jet airplane replòacing the thermal engine with electric engine… simply we will build an airplane that cannot fly because its weight is over what it can lift up.
By the way
Some innovations are anyway possible, like the one we are bringing ahead, in order to increase the efficiency of the current state of the art, like using system able to convert all the energy wasted in heat, turbulences, and other in electric energy available for the services.
New clusters of projects for sustainable energy production
New clusters of projects for sustainable energy production
Dr. Eng. Sergio Durante announced the new clusters of projects for sustainable clean energy production, from nuclear fusion to wind power
25 April 2022
The EU aims to become climate neutral by 2050, and to achieve this goal, wind energy technologies will need to unlock their full potential for affordable and reliable clean energy production.
Today the energy crisis related to the current complex political situation in the East of Europe is pushing even more the needs to migrate to alternative sustainable energy.
The wind
The next generation of wind farms will be much more powerful and need to be supported with an even more innovative set of physical and digital tools, as well as operational controls, collectively referred to as wind farm control, to improve overall farm power generation and improve the overall reliability. The wind park is growing from year to year (for example, in 2021, more than 80% of new electrical capacity was renewable), while solar and wind energy accounted for 91% of new renewable energy sources. We proposes to use the latest developments in the field of artificial intelligence AI, offering obvious advantages through Big Data management and machine learning strategies, bringing to significant impacts on the overall reliability and efficiency of the complex electro mechanical system of the wind turbine. New IPR protected ideas are on the lab development.
The Nuclear Fusion
Nuclear fusion can become a promising option to replace fossil fuels as the world’s primary energy source and can have an important role to play in addressing the climate change. Benefits to society from fusion include: the abundance and accessibility of fuel, the carbon free footprint, the absence of high-level radioactive waste.
We are investigating a new way to improve the control of the thermonuclear plasma with the ultimate goal to generate electricity at commercial scale.
Our internal project aims at bringing into the reality an innovative Fusion Nuclear Plasma containment system based on AC and fully controlled by AI based efficiency management, predictive maintenance, stability and fluctuation compensating unit. The system is based on AI electronic controller of a new AC managed plasma nuclear reactor power unit (HW and SW) to be integrated into the nuclear power generator, reducing as much as possible installation issues further enhancing their acceptance on the market enabling to operate at zero emissions, respecting the environment and complying with all upcoming nuclear safety legislations. This is expected to have a huge impact initially in the power energy industry.
New clusters of projects for sustainable energy production
New concept of hybrid hypercar 2100 HP
Dr. Eng. Sergio Durante announced the project on a new astonishing 2100 HP hybrid car
15 December 2021
The project upscale and integrate a new concept of Artificial Intelligence into a human interface and total management of a super efficient, high performance green Hybrid powertrain based car, in two market sectors: the high-exigent market of the daily life utility cars, using as commercialisation strategy the penetration in the hand made ‘a la carte’ exclusive cars market and then in the everyday car through supporting OEM.
The concept of the car proposes a integrated customised self learning interface avatar (with specific features, among the others: face recognition, health check of the driver and passengers, transferability of the virtual assistant to other platform like the phone or other devices of the user), block chain system to encrypt all the access to the car, innovative token on the value of the car and for the investors in the startup company. The technologies explored are the extended use of Energy Harvesters, a new concept of axial flux electric engine, new high performance batteries and revolutionary management and interface. The activity approach will keep into the account from the critical rare materials savings to the test on the road for final homologation to the commercialisation of the concept and the product.
Mazzanti Automobili and Dr. Eng. Sergio Durante announced a collaboration agreement on new hybrid powertrain and innovative light materials structures for chassis
12 May 2020
Mazzanti Automobili and Dr. Eng. Sergio Durante presented a new innovation collaboration programs to develop and test a super powerful hybrid powertrain capable to sport about 2000 HP. The vehicles powertrain electrification is one of the main answers to the problem of the growing greenhouse gases and the reduction of noxious emissions. So Mazzanti and Durante accepted the challenge and decided to develop together an impressive technical solutions that will be the reference of the state of the art in the automotive panorama in the next years.
The project overall concept is to integrate a new property concept of super-high performance green powertrain in a Mazzanti Evantra car to improve the performance on one hand and, on the other hand, to widely disseminate a serious solution for the human health and the environment preservation. The activity approach will keep into the account from the critical rare materials savings to the test on the road for final homologation to the commercialisation of the concept and the product. Objective is to develop and integrate the best hybrid powertrain technology, patented, with the energy harvester systems, into the Mazzanti emblematic high performances hyper car.
This impressive applications will push the dissemination at the level never seen before, showing the path how to dramatically accelerate the exploitation to the every day car application. Dr. Eng. Sergio Durante, in the Motorsport field, already anticipated the planning of the FIA (International Automobile Federation) of 5 years building in 2017 the first hybrid rally race car for Ice racing in the World, which was the most extreme bench test for the electric technology.
The car, despite races carried out at the critical temperatures of -25ºC for the electric powertrain, won immediately the 2018 championship ICE CHALLENGE in the innovative powertrain category, showing performances and reliability never seen for a brand new concept of car. The race car was equipped with a V6 3lt engine characterised by 340HP and an electric unit sporting 200kW. The total power of the car was 610HP, 960kg of weight with an overall consumption reduction of 15% and pollution reduction of 23%, in comparison with the best in class competitors. Mazzanti will exploit the Durante experience and also the new innovations in the energy harvesters, that permit to recover energy from the delta temperatures: the harvested electric energy will be then straight used or stocked in batteries for the electric unit. This activity will imply a revision of the mechanical, thermal, electric and electronic architecture of the traction line. The electronic and power electric circuit will be correctly dimensioned in order to manage with the best efficiency the flux of energies. All this activity will take also into the account the Life Cycle Engineering approach.You may also like
The short to medium automotive future is Hybrid, not electric
Why Full Electric Cars are not competitive at all with conventional thermal engines, and in particular with diesel? Full Electric car are the latest innovation in the transport market.
✓ They are fantastically promoted by any kind of media and politic speech,
✓ They are indicated like the technology answer to the problem of the greenhouse gases and noxious emissions.
✓ They are contributing even in reducing the effect of the viruses: the last discovers proves that the viruses like COVID19 are spread much more easily in presence of fine powders in the air (PM10), as known, generated by combustion of diesel, gasoline engines (in reality PM10 are mainly generated by road surfaces scratch by the heavy cars use).
✓ They have beautiful names like Tesla (exploiting the name of the genius Nikola Tesla), Taycan, i3 (like intelligent 3), etc….
✓ They have fantastic acceleration (really!!)
✓ They are perfect in the sprint races
BUT as cars of everyday use, I think they are not encountering the expected success. We are sorry to be out of the mainstream opinion, but really, full electric car are and will be a huge flop.
WHY??? Because…. have you ever seen a Full Electric car always on the fast line in the highway in Italy or Germany? No? Maybe there is a reason for that…
To be clear: 30 minutes of refuelling in super charger is simply too much, moreover you will not get 100% of battery but more or less half of the maximum range.
Professionals travelling on the highway have to run to work and doing businesses, they cannot waste 30 minutes of precious time at the recharging station every 150-200km.
Moreover imagine you arrive home after a busy day and your brand new 100.000 euros Full Electric SUV is empty. You attach your car to the charger in garage and suddenly you realize that you forget too buy something (or, even worst, you have an emergency) … then? What are you doing?
YOU CALL A TAXI!!! Because your brand new SUV is like a useless furniture.
We have driven and used several times Teslas, BMW i3, Porsche Taycan, so we exactly know what we are writing: the currently produced full electric cars are extremely performant in term of acceleration, reduction of local emissions and noise, but these electric cars are still ages far away from the freedom of use and practicality of a diesel car, that you can refuel everywhere, in 5 minutes, every 1000km.
This fact happens for two main reasons:
1- the energy density in the best battery in the market is 20 times lower then fossil fuel. It means that at 130 km/h in normal traffic driving conditions, with a kg of fully charged battery you drive for 1km, while with a kg of diesel you drive for 20km
2- the recharging time are sooooo long, and the fast charge at supercharger is not giving you the same autonomy of the 9 hours recharging at home (exactly like your iphone).
3- the infrastructure and manufacturing of the cars are all but green and not yet enough developed in terms of efficiency and sustainability
Batteries do not produce electricity – they store electricity, which is produced elsewhere, especially by coal, uranium, ground-gas-powered power plants or diesel-powered generators. So the claim that an electric car is a zero-emission vehicle is not at all true and, if the 40% of the electricity is produced from coal power plants (USA, UK, EU), is like 40% of cars are running on coal.
A typical electric car battery weighs a 500kg, about the size of a travel suitcase. It contains about 13kg of lithium, 30kg of nickel, 23kg of manganese, 15kg of cobalt, 100kg of copper and 200 kg of aluminum, steel and plastic. There are over 6,000 individual lithium-ion cells inside.
This means that FOR EACH BEV battery, you need to process 12.500 kg of sole for lithium, 15.000 kg of resin for the cobalt, 2.500 kg of resin for nickel and 13.000kg of copper for the copper. All in all you need to dig 250.000 kg of the earth crust for a battery. “
Then let’s speak about solar energy to produce ‘green energy’…The main problem with solar systems is the chemicals used to convert silicon into the silicon used for the panels. In order to produce sufficient pure silicon, it must be processed with salic acid, sulfur acid, salpetic acid, fluoride hydrogen, trichlorethane and acetone.
In addition rare materials like gallium, arsenide, copper indium gallium dieselenide and cadmium telluride are needed, which are also highly toxic. Silicone dust poses a threat to workers, and the plates cannot be recycled.
And wind energy?? Wind turbines are the nonplusultra in terms of costs and environmental destruction. Each windwheel weighs 1688 tons (which is equivalent to 23 houses) and contains 1300 tons of concrete, 295 tons of steel, 48 tons of iron, 24 tons of glass fiber, and the hard-to-earth rare earth neodym, praseodym and dysprosium. Each of the three shovels weighs 40.000 kg and has a life span of 15 to 20 years, then they must be replaced. We can’t yet recycle efficiently used rotor leaves.This is why we are really focus on the wind power generation efficiency and reliability using AI based systems.
Coming back to the car, the problem is that the tests on road of range are always made in the perfect condition to show off performances difficult to reproduce in the real conditions. In fact serious on-road tests are highlighting the criticality of the FEV (full electric vehicle) range in real use conditions. Imagine: you are stuck in a queue on the highway, it is raining and you have air conditioning on (conditions quite typical in Europe), you are really in the nightmare worst condition for your battery.
Despite the fact that the industry is working to improve the battery packs efficiency and the EVs performances and, in the meantime, the charging infrastructures are increasing, still medium-long distances are difficult to cover, and even the latest rapid charge time are not fast enough for an efficient and convenient use of the car.
Furthermore, beside the real potential EVs performances, the range anxiety is a factor which cannot be ignored, and surely negatively influences the EVs market penetration. A lot of promotion is currently bombarding users about the advantages of the use of a full electric car, but in reality only users living in big towns and having an urban profile use could benefit from a full electric car, without a lot of stress. But for the users that need flexibility and urban and both extra urban profile use the full electric is not yet viable at all.
This is why our effort are mainly focused on two directions:
The short to medium terms efforts are targeted on the hybrid technology, Hydrogen and sustainable fuels. These solutions are merging together the advantages of the conventional thermal engines, the next generation of electric motors, the energy harvesting systems.
The medium to long term mass commercialisation for the full electric cars is totally relied on the application of the principle of Life Cycle Engineering specifically on batteries and energy production and infrastructures.
This seems to be the correct answer for the today and incoming future of the cars. With the hybrid engine you can run in the highway as usual, you refuel your car in 3 minutes, you drive in the center of the town in full electric mode, you can use your air conditioning, and, if you want, you can also listen to…. the engine sound!!!
Our first worldwide hybrid rally car for Ice Racing, 2017. 630 HP combined, 0-100 in 1.5s, almost same weight of thermal car. Winner of the Ice Challenge International Championship 2018
AMRC with Boeing Board Meeting in Philadelphia at Hangsterfer’s
Hangersterfer’s&Group hosted on the 8th May the AMRC with Boeing Board Meeting in its premises in Philadelphia.
Representatives of the biggest aerospace companies and their suppliers came from all the corner of the Earth. Boeing, Airbus, Rolls Royce, Starrag Eckert, Messier Bugatti Dowty, BAE Systems, DELCAM, OSG, D4S Motorsport, MetsoftPro, Sandvik, Maegerle, Spirit Aerospace, KCT Group, DMG-Mori, McLaren, Renishaw, StarGB, Techicut, SECOTools top managers came from all over the world to join this important annual event.
The Board decided the new strategies for the next period. As usual, in the evergreen spirit of the AMRC, this occasion was a fantastic opportunity to empower relationships and business opportunities. The event has been magisterially organised by Ed and Nicolette Jones, the family owning the company Hangsterfer.
The meeting offered the opportunity to visit the production line of Hangersterfer’s and some beautiful corners of the USA.
AMRC with Boeing Board Meeting in Nagoya at OSG Corporation
Thursday and Wednesday, 18th, May, 2017
The nice view of the center of Nagoya (Japan)
OSG Group hosted on the 18th May the AMRC with Boeing Board Meeting in its premises in Nagoya.
Representatives of the biggest aerospace companies and their suppliers came from all the corner of the Earth.
Boeing, Airbus, Rolls Royce, Starrag Eckert, Messier Bugatti Dowty, BAE Systems, DELCAM, OSG, D4S Group, MetsoftPro, Sandvik, Maegerle, Spirit Aerospace, KCT Group, DMG-Mori, McLaren, Renishaw, StarGB, Techicut, SECOTools top managers came from all over the world to join this important annual event.
The Board decided the new strategies for the next period. As usual, in the evergreen spirit of the AMRC, this occasion was a fantastic opportunity to empower relationships and business opportunities.
The event has been magisterially organised by the OSG Group.
The meeting offered the opportunity to visit the incredible production line of OSG and some breathtaking corners of Japan.
Finished the project of a new astonishing hypercar
Dr. Eng. Sergio Durante announced the successful conclusion of the project of a revolutionary Hypercar
15 December 2021
Dr. Eng. Sergio Durante presented the result of a new innovation collaboration programs to develop and test a super powerful hypercar.
The project overall concept was the integration of a new property concept of super-high performance powertrain and race chassis in am astonishing design car to build a reference in the hyper sport sector. The target was to show the reference in sport handling and aggressive design, targeting also both the performance on one hand and, on the other hand, to widely disseminate a serious solution for the human health and the environment preservation. The activity approach, as in all our creations, was to kept into the account from the critical rare materials savings to the test on the road for final homologation to the commercialisation of the concept and the product.
The Team was based on key technicians with long crosssectorial experiences in the automotive and motorsport fields.
Dr. Eng. Sergio Durante, automotive mechanical engineer from Politecnico of Torino, 25 years of experience in the aerospace and motorsport sectors, developing advanced powertrain solutions, materials and technologies for military and race applications. From 12 years in FIAT Research Center, to active partnership with the main OEM like Ferrari F1, Porsche, BMW, Mercedes, McLaren, Nissan in the Board of AMRC with Boeing, Airbus and other prestigious R&D Institutions all around the World.
Dr. Eng. Marco Muzio, automotive mechanical engineer, 30 years experience in Motorsport, spacing from Rally World Championship with Lancia, Ford, Kia, Citroen, to Formula1 with Ferrari, to motorbike with Ducati and Yamaha, official teams.
Dr. Christian Crocco, entrepreneur, start-ups and technology companies in the world of artificial intelligence and blockchain.
Dr. Eng. Sergio Durante, in the Motorsport field, already anticipated the planning of the FIA (International Automobile Federation) of 5 years building in 2017, in collaboration with EFESTO, the first hybrid rally race car for Ice racing in the World, which was the most extreme bench test for the electric technology. The car, despite races carried out at the critical temperatures of -25ºC for the electric powertrain, won immediately the 2018 championship ICE CHALLENGE in the innovative powertrain category, showing performances and reliability never seen for a brand new concept of car. The race car was equipped with a V6 3lt engine characterised by 340HP and an electric unit sporting 200kW. The total power of the car was 610HP, 960kg of weight with an overall consumption reduction of 15% and pollution reduction of 23%, in comparison with the best in class competitors.
The expected car targeted performances:
V8 bi-turbo engine, capable of 1100 hp and of a torque of 1300 Nm directly to the rear wheels through a specifically developed six-speed sequential gearbox and a (optional) future generation integrated electric engine, inverter, batteries and complex electronic management that will push extra 1000 HP and 1000Nm to the front wheels.The Hypercar will destroy the 0-60 mph in only 1,5s seconds, reaching the speed of 250 mph (400km/h auto limited), also thanks to the four wheel drive traction and thekerb weight of just 1350 kg. These performances will be achieved using aerospace light materials and technology and will permit to reduce the environmental impact of 35%.
The incredible power will be controlled by brand new carbon-ceramic brakes concept, that, in collaboration with the electric engine, specifically developed, exploiting Motorsport technology, will permit to stop from 300 km/h to 0 in only 6 seconds and recover a big amount of energy that will be used to accelerate the car to the next turn, like it is happening in Formula 1 hers.
The car will also sport a range of 70 km in the centre of the cities in full electric mode, zero emissions.
On Tuesday 8 December, a nice golf tournament organized by the Rotary Club was held at the beautiful Golf Club Del Sur in Tenerife, the Spanish Ocean Pearl of the Atlantic.
The primary successful target of the event, apart to entertain with an high level golf competition, was the collection of funds for beneficence scopes.
Several important sponsors and supporting companies and institutions were present, among the others the Spanish banking group ‘La Caixa’, the Switzerland Dental Clinics ’Medical Implant’, the Italian fashion brand ‘Dodo Intimo’.
The tournament provided a great opportunity for European Rotarians to play on the incredible green just few weeks before professional events.
The Rotarians came from more than 20 countries, exiting the international spirit of the event.
Gala dinner organised by the Association FAST for the fight against the cancer
Saturday night 24 October was an important day for the Association FAST, born to support the research and fight against the cancer.
A beautiful night was organised at the Mare Nostrum Resort in Playa de Las Americas in Tenerife (Spain), involving famous musicians, singers, showmen and showgirl and also cooks that made the night even more interesting.
All of them did their best to entertain the 700 invitees. Fantastic performances were carried out by the Miserables actors directly from London, the famous Spanish singer Tamara, the Los Rios and rock bands.
The incomes were fully devolved to the Spanish Association for the Fight Against the Cancer, in order to support the hospitals and structures to better treat and serve their patients.
Picture: Dr. Raquel Arroyo the Tenerife Sur Rotary Secretary Treasurer and Fiscal and Industrial Consultant, with her husband and also her associate Dr. Elio Fuentes; Dr. Eng. Sergio Durante in different moments at the charity event